Medical Tubing More than the eye can see

Medical tubing has been a critical and essential part of healthcare in the 21st century. These tubes help us deliver nutrients, blood and gases to patients who are in need of medical attention. As the years have gone by manufacturers have developed highly sophisticated tubes that have helped heal and save countless lives. Careful attention is placed on the development of these items to ensure they are safe to use in medical settings.

The typical medical grade tubing usually consists of non-toxic, lead free tubing that is also resistant to high temperature. The tubing must be approved by the FDA as well as be medically approved before entering the market to be purchased. To be approved they must pass strict quality tests and even after the initial test they are examined by continuous inspections. Veterinary medical fields also use tubing which must pass strict inspections as well.

Extruded tubing dates all the way back to the early 1930s. During this period of time catheters were in their infancy as was medical tubing. Over time as the technology behind catheters and tubing increased, so did the demand. This created a boom in business for the extrusion industry.

To accurately test these tubes, force testing must be completed. This testing is designed to help secure the functionality and consistency of the tubes. When tested a simple method of qualifying the devices mechanical characteristics takes place. These qualifications help aid the optimization of performance and conformance to regulated international standards. In the production stages of testing it provides a quick and inexpensive way of ensuring consistent quality. This helps prevent problems that could have damaging effects to a patient during future use. In addition, if a failure in the field is detected and proper testing was not completed, this could have serious monetary repercussions for the medical tubing manufacturer.

Medical tubing has had its share of issues over the years as well. Today manufacturers are still working together to come up with solutions to prevent tube mix ups. Ideally to prevent these mix ups major manufacturers need to come together and create devices that make certain connections incompatible with each other. A good example of this incompatibility theory can be found within the petroleum industry. Petroleum producers prevent certain types of gas from flowing into the incorrect kind of tank by using various types of pump nozzles for gasoline and diesel fuel. Hopefully in the future manufacturers can all work together to solve this issue.

Expand Medical Billing And Coding Salary By Honing In On A Specialty

A number of variables determine the the level of medical billing and coding salary such as practical knowledge, demand in a specific geographical place, level of skill, employer category, and prior work references. Even so, specializing in, and progressing to being a specialist in a specific discipline is a sure way to demand the top medical billing and coding salary.

In Napoleon Hill’s Old classic “Think and Grow Rich”, Napoleon devotes a full chapter to the area of specialized knowledge and sums it up by simply expressing:

“Knowledge paves the road to riches – when you know which road to take”

If you’d like to review the publication, and I suggest you do, no cost online reproductions can be obtained everywhere on the internet, and can be found by searching the title.

Obtaining specialized knowledge sets apart medical billers and coders from the pack. Employing knowledge and experience in one or more areas of expertise within the medical billing and coding discipline, lowers the level of competition for opportunities , causes you to be more valuable and indispensable to the employer, and as a consequence enables you to boost medical billing and coding salary.

In other words, you discern yourself by possessing distinctive skills and talents which almost no other individuals possess.

As Soon As I suggest this concept to many in the medical billing and medical coding industry, the common response I receive is that they do not have the hours, and do not plan to shell out the cash to enroll in pricey courses.

First of all, although it is appealing to realize a certification in a particular specialization, you do not have to begin by registering for a formal course. Choose an area of fascination to you, preferably one that is in high demand, and begin doing some research and learning by yourself. Use the web as well as the public library. Have a go at on-line discussion boards and attend seminars when a high profile physician might be presenting on a topic. Ensure you communicate to your employer some of your recent discovered knowledge. It may not have an instantaneous impact on your medical billing and coding salary, nonetheless, your employer will start to see different things in you – initiative!

Secondly, insufficient time is just an excuse, a cop out. Think about this:

“Devoting only one hour each day to anything at all, by either waking up sixty minutes earlier every day, staying up sixty minutes later at night, or finding one hour in the day time, equates to 9 more forty hour work weeks throughout a year”

You should read the previous statement over and over again until it’s firmly planted in your mind.

Finally, buying certification really should be regarded as a smart investment not an expense. Cultivate the perspective that $100 paid today will yield $200 later. Should you be in medical billing and coding for the long haul and want to develop a occupation out of it, money invested in schooling will be recovered many fold.

With regards to specialties, they are endless. For instance, the American Academy of Professional Coders presently provide accreditation in 20 distinctive specialties and even accept ideas for new specialties. Several of these include:

Anesthesia and Serious pain Therapy
Chiropractic Care
Assessment and Management
Internal Medical Care
Orthopedic Surgical Procedures
Plastics as well as Rebuilding Surgical Procedure

This listing is only the tip of the iceberg as it were, even so, I am sure you can see, there are several options available. Of course make sure that you enjoy the way you make your living, but is also essential to maximize the medical billing and coding salary you reach. Pick something you enjoy and have a desire for, make the effort to become an expert in it, and in the long run write you own paycheck.

All about medical exams

When it comes to writing insurance policies, the decision is all about risk. Based on what you tell the insurer, the actuaries estimate the chances you will have an accident the next time you drive, or that your home will be flattened by a tornado, or that you will catch the H1N1 brand of influenza. It’s the most scientific form of gambling our society has been able to develop. If all the sums work out right, you are protected financially should any of the risks occur and the insurer will make a profit. So when it comes to insuring your life, the actuary needs to call in different professionals. Although you may give completely honest answers to questions about your own health and the health of your immediately family, there are many things you do not know. Sometimes, families are not honest with each other when it comes to health problems. Sometimes, you may not have been to see a doctor recently and so be unaware your own health is less than good. To protect everyone, a medical examination will usually be a condition when the amount of cover requested is high, or you are older, or you admit possible health problems.

Some insurance companies employ paramedicals who can bring a mobile service to your home or office. Others will give you the name of a specific doctor or a clinic and wait for you to make an appointment. Note that, almost without exception, when something more than a token amount of insurance has been requested, no reference will be made to your regular doctor. The insurers only accept evidence from independent medical personnel.

Let’s say you are still young and there are no untoward signs in your own or your family’s history. The exam is likely to be fairly straightforward, going through lists of questions about your current health and lifestyle. In this remember you may be tested to ensure your answers about not smoking and no abuse of drugs are truthful. If you appear heavier than you admitted on the proposal form, there may be more tests for diabetes and other diseases that can affect the overweight. If you have admitted to health problems, the tests can be fairly intensive if you are older and asking for significant amounts of cover. This is not just measuring pulse rate and blood pressure. You can find yourself supplying a range of samples, submitting to an EKG and getting up on a treadmill to prove lung capacity, stamina and a healthy heart. Only those who pass with flying colors will be offered the larger amount in cover.

In one sense, the whole experience of a medical exam is something of a deterrent. It takes up time and can be intrusive. Yet we have to advise you to go through several exams. The reason is simple. Life insurance companies approach risk assessment in slightly different ways. What some may consider significant is more routine to others. To get the best deal, you have to get as many offers as possible. This means being prepared to go through as many medical exams as it takes. Only when you have all the offered life insurance policies in your hands can you judge which one represents the best deal for you and your family.