All About Family, School And Medical Social Workers

Social work is a growing area and profession, and the main purpose is to improve the quality of life for other people in whatever way possible. This area is further divided into many different sub areas or specialties so there can be many different types of professionals in the field.

One of the most popular types of social workers is family or school social workers. The main responsibility of these workers is to help families cope with situations that can be stressful, such as a death in the family or divorce. If there is any situation in a family which is less than ideal, it can have far-reaching impact on the members, especially children. Therefore, it is important to have social workers who can help families adapt to the new circumstances.

There are many different family cases where workers are needed such as in families with single parents, foster families, and children who are adopted or even abused. Workers who are specialized to deal with children are known as child protective workers. In school, these people can help raise awareness about different important issues such as drugs and safety, and can also provide counseling to children.

There are also many social workers who work with the mentally unstable, and help them have a chance at a normal life. People who have mental illnesses may need guidance and help to get through, and this is what the workers provide. Specialists in this area of the field can help such people through therapy, intervention and even rehabilitation programs. Not just that, the family members of such patients, also need help to cope with the patient and to understand how to handle difficult situations, and workers can help them learn more about this. People who have addictions and substance abuse problems can also get help. Substance abuse workers are usually available in clinics and hospitals.

Last but not least are the medial social workers who work with patients with different kinds of diseases and conditions. These workers help extend care to the patients and help them cope with the disease which can be anything ranging from AIDS to Alzheimer’s. If a patient needs home care, this can also be arranged by the workers. Social professionals who deal with patients needing organ transplants, are also known as clinical workers. These are some common types of social workers, and there are other categories that you can work in as well.

How to Choose the Best Medical Editors

Many medical researchers use the services of Medical Editing and proofreading companies. In addition to non-native English speakers who need help with English, many native speakers also find it necessary to enlist a medical editor in order to decode and clarify the jargon and complexity of their medical research. Medical writing plays a large role in disseminating crucial new discoveries to both the public as well as the medical community. Thus, authors must find a balance between communicating the nuances of their research while making their written reports clear and understandable.

The choice of medical editor is crucial to both the acceptance of the article as well as its impact after publication. One aspect of this choice that can be difficult for authors is whether the best medical editor will have a background and degree in science or humanities. Obviously, a science background is particularly useful to medical communications, as an editor can understand the meaning the author intends as well as the vocabulary and format used. On the other hand, one with a background in humanities may have a better handle on improving the read and flow of the manuscript.

An author should not have to choose between the two options because both are essential to producing a high quality manuscript. In particular, a nonnative speaker must be confident that the Medical Editor has extensive background knowledge of his or her medical specialty. For non-native English speakers, a specialized editor is essential because their manuscript may require substantive editing to be understood. An editor must understand the significance of the research and ideas in order to maintain the content and communicate the proper message. While a scientific background is an essential component in medical editing, authors should also be ensured that the editor has extensive training in editing and a firm grasp of all the complexities of the English language. Medical editing customers should never have to choose between an editor more skilled in science versus one with English language expertise as the best medical editor should be well-skilled in both.

Editage provides medical editing and proofreading by editors with technical backgrounds who are also required to improve English language skills through rigorous coursework and examinations. Editages team includes editors with educational backgrounds across multiple areas in medical and life sciences. Forty-eight editors have passed the challenging BELS (Board of Life Sciences) examination. While clearly qualified in their scientific backgrounds, our editors are also highly trained native English speakers. The initial English exams are so challenging that only 0.02% of all applicants pass through all rounds. After acceptance, editors are subject to intensive modules that teach the details of every aspect of the English language. Thus, clients do not have to choose between a person more skilled in science versus one with perfect English for his or her medical editing needs. Editage provides researchers with a team of editors who will ensure that a papers scientific content is maintained while perfecting its English.